Poverty as a challenge.
Poverty as a challenge.
In our daily life,we come across many people who we think are poor. They could be landless labourers in villages or people living in overcrowded (jhuggis) in Cities.They could be daily wage workers at construction sites or child workers in dhabas. .
They could also be daggers with children in tatters.We see poverty all around us every fourth person in India is poor this means roughly 270 millions people in India live in poverty 2011 to 2012 this also means that India has the largest single concentration of the poor in the world.some of the factors that are related to poverty:-
3.Size of families
5.Poor health
6.Child labour
Poverty as seen by social scientist:-
Since poverty has many facets,social scientist look at it throw a variety of indicators usually the indicators used relate to the levels of income and consumption What Now poverty is looked through other social indicators like illiteracy level lack of general general resistance due to malnutrition lack of acces to Healthcare lack of job opportunities lack of access to safe drinking water sanitation etc analysis of poverty based on social exclusion and one reliability is now becoming very common.
Poverty line:-
at the centre of the discussion on poverty is usually the concept of poverty line a common method used to measure poverty is based on the income or conceptions level a person is considered poor if his or her income or conceptions level Falls below a given minimum level they say sorry to fulfill basic needs what is necessary to satisfy basic need is difference a pers at different times and in different countries therefore poverty line may vary with time and place which country uses an imaginary line that is considered appropriate for his existence level of development and its accepted minimum social norms for example a person not having a car in his United State may be considered poor in India earning of car is a still considered a luxury.
Poverty Estimates:-
It is clear that there is substantial decline in poverty ratio in India from about 45% in 1993 to 1994 to 7:30 7.2% in 2004 to 2005 the proportion of people below poverty line father came down to about 21.9 percent in 2011 to 2012 if the trend countries people below poverty line Mein came down to the less than 20% in the next few years all through the percentage of people living under the poverty decline in the earlier two decades 1973 to 199 the number of poor declined from 400 7.1 million in 2004 to 2005 22 69.3 million in 2011 to 2012 with an average manual decline of 2.2 %. During 2004 to 2005 to 2011 to 2012.
Vulnerable groups:-
the proportion of people below poverty line is also not same for all social group and economic categories in India social groups which are most vulnerable to the poverty as scheduled caste and Scheduled Tribes household similarly among the economic group the most vulnerable group are the ruler agricultural level household and the one request casual labour household the following percentage of poor people in all these groups also the average for people below poverty line for all groups in India is 30 40 out of 100 belonging to scheduled tribes in ruler area are not able to meet their basic need so about 50% of landless agricultural worker and 43% of scheduled tribe caste are also poor the double disadvantage of being a landless casual base level household in the valley disadvantages social groups of the schedule caste or the scheduled tribe population highlights the seriousness of the problem some recent studies have shown that accept for the scheduled tribe household all the other three groups that is scheduled caste ruler agricultural levels and the urban casual labour have been decline in poverty in 1990.
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